Dec 21, 2010

A Recipe for Disaster ...

Soul Visionary Pro. was preparing for a special guest to come into the class. Marv Brown is successful man in Toronto and the USA. He is known for producing music artist, clubs and theatre shows in the GTA. It was a great honor to have such an iconic African- North American Man visit Soul Visionary Pro.

For the preparation of our special event, my group was responsible to prepare the food and beverages for Marv Brown. It was my responsibility to bring the vegetables and my group would bring everything else. Firstly we as a class were rushing to set up the room because the time was going by fast. In addition to the kayos, I opened the vegetable container and this horrible smell started to fill up the room. Unfortunately, one of the veggies were spoiled and we had to throw it out as soon as possible. This day was a true disaster as the school hallways started to stink and the class and to run around the room fanning the smell away. We had students who were distracting the guest and showing them around the school as we tried to get things back in order in our classroom. Nevertheless, Soul Visionary Pro. turned water into wine as we had an amazing red carpet event for Marv Brown. It was truly a miracle in the end and we were definitely inspired by his words of encouragement to us.

Lesson Learned: Always smell your vegetables before you bring it to a red carpet event...

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