Nov 7, 2010

7 Deadly Sins


The seven deadly sins is a believe that originated from Christianity. It is a spiritually belief that we as human should not commit these particular sins.
As a christian I understand the reason of the seven deadly sins. God is the one who created us and he made us for a person. He loved us so much that Jesus came down on earth and died for our sins. It is not right for us to place all of this desires before the Lord. God come first and once we step out of line and begin to focus on other things, God will become jealous. God must be our first priority and everything else in our lives must come after.

The movie "Seven" which stares Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman portrays a unique way of the seven deadly sins. This movie was not neccessarly directed to christian but to the who nation. I was quite compelling as I was the authenicity of the characters in this movie. Brad Pitt was exceptional has he played the role of Detective Davis. He was most definetly an Iconic actor based on his performance in this movie. His acting allowed the audience to feel his pain, rage and sadness. I was completely stunned by the outcome of the whole movie and I would encourage anyone to take the time and watch the movie "Seven".

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