Nov 21, 2010

Why do parents encourage their kids?

"Keep up the good work honey"
"You're awesome"
"Oh my gosh! you are so talented"
"How did you get so good?"
"You're even better than me!"
"I wish I was as good as you"

We all know that the majority of parents want their kids to have the best in life. And there is no doubt that we have generation full of talented and gifted children. It such a blessing to know that many kids in this society are performing well in : piano, skating, dance, swimming, ballet, hockey, basketball, karate, soccer, gymnastics and etc. There are many extra curricular activities that are open to the community and the generation is excelling as they develop their talents. The parents of these talented kids should be more than proud of their great accomplishments. And I encourage all parents to support their children when they are doing recites and performances. It is always good to know that you raised someone who talented and is accomplishing their goals daily.

On the other hand..... I personally believe that parents should encourage their children at something only if they have a "chance" to succeed in it! There are many activities that we have to work on daily in order to be successful. However, there are naturally talents that can automatically dictate whether you are good at it or not. For example singing. I believe that singing is a natural talent, and if you are a not a great singers i likely doubt that singing lessons would help. It take a miracle for someone who is a bad singer to change into a great singer. I'm not saying that singing lessons are not helpful. Nevertheless, if you do not a have a good voice then singing lesson cannot magically make it sound good.

It is so sad to know that there are parents who encourage their kids that they are good at something when the child really isn't. It is even worst when the parent tells the child that they are a good singer. And they know that their child is not a good singer, but they still encourage them because its the child's dream. Parents have to be honest with their children and just tell them the truth. Because if they don't hear it from you then they will hear it from someone else. And some cases young people are told the truth in front of America at American Idol.

My last words are this: Just be honest with your children! Encourage them when they're are good at something and if they arereally not good at something then be honest with them. Don't throw them under the bus and then they have to hear it from someone else.

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