Oct 14, 2010

My Dads Consecration in Montreal

I am proud to be the daughter of Pastor Barrington Smith!!
My father started his own church ten years ago called "Kingdom Life Ministries".
Our church began in the basement of my old house and within ten years we have grown to over four hundred members in our new building. God has truly blessed my father and mother to be the leader of this great congregation. Kingdom Life is an amazing ministry, it has put a great impact on the people in the society and to different assemblies across the world.

The PAW (Pentecostal Assemblies of the World) is an international pentecostal organization that Kingdom Life is apart of. Within the organization there are several of different councils across the world that that meets together and has there separate conferences each year. Once a year all the councils comes together to have a international conference in the summer.

My father is the Canadian Council Chairman for Canada and last weekend he was consecrated to be a Suffragan Bishop in Montreal. The Kingdom Life Family was more than supportive! It was amazing to see the amount of people who came down to witness the blessings of their pastor! I am so so so proud of my father, he has worked so hard to be at the place that he is at right now. He has put his heart and soul into his ministry, his family, the church, his job and so much more. It is definitely a great accomplishment and I hope that he will continue to grow and do the work that God has in stored for him!


"New Life Begins At Kingdom Life" - Suffragan Bishop Smith

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