Oct 31, 2010

Where are the Legends?

Elvis Presely
Whitney Houston
Micheal Jackson
Stevey Wonder
Diana Ross
....are my top five artist who I reconize as a legenday singer. 

These singers will continue to be known 10 plus years from now because of the impact that their music has left on the society. I was not alive when Elvis was making his music and even though he died, his music was yet still alive. Micheal Jackson is another artist who was making music when my parents were children. Even until this day, his music that was recored 40 years ago is still playing all around the word today. This is the impact that artists need to have an iconic singer/musician. It is essestial that successful artists can leave the world knowing that they have left a possitive impact in the music world. 

As I look at the artists who are currently producing music, I begin to feel dissapointed. Many of the music artist are not iconic and the artist will become invisible at the end of their career. Trey Songs, Keisha Cole, Alicia Keys, Chris Brown, Usher, Rihanna.... and the list goes on. But the question is: "what are they doing with their music?" Their music is not as successful as it needs to be, because after one year their songs are considered "old". But when I think of Whitney Houston, her songs can never get old because the music and her voice is soo rich. Even though Whitney went through a tragic moment in her life, people seemed to over look that and appreciate the music that she made before her bad choices.  That is what I call a true iconic music artist!!!

The only current artist who I think is close to being an iconic singer is beyonce. However, she is yet soo far from the finish line because her music dies out after a year or two. Even though her voice is amazing there is something that is stopping her from being the legendary singer of today. What is stopping her?
I believe that there is no point of being a music artist if your music was only good to help the people of today. It is imporatant to me that those who enter into the music industry are aiming to change the lives of people for today and for tommorow. That is how you can become an iconic musical aritist.

Is someone a legendary singer because of their music?
or their voice?
or is it both?

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