Oct 12, 2010

Just being Thankful!

My Top 10 List of Gratitude

I am thankful for:
2.My Life 
3.My Family
4.My Friends
5.My Home
6.My Church
7.My Education (peers, teachers)
10. Love

Thanksgiving is a special holiday which is celebrated by people all over Canada. We choose to reflect and appreciate all the blessings that has been given to us. In this society we do not realize how blessed and privileged we are today. It is unfortunate that we do not step outside of our home to look at the lives and struggles of others. Sometimes we take the things in life for granted, we don't realize that someone out there has it ten time worst then we do. It is important that we don't complain about everything because some people have absolutely nothing. There has been times when my parents buy me clothes and I don't like it , however I have to pause because there are other people who are wearing the same thing everyday. We are so blessed and we have to thank God for each blessing daily. Our generation doesn't understand the importance of giving therefore, we have become more selfish and greedy. We love to focus on our happiness and on our life however, we do not stop to think others happiness and needs. We need to come together to support one another and help those who are weak and struggling in life. In the end it would give us happiness because we thought of someone else.

"Give, and it shall be given unto you...." (Luke 6 vs 38)

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