Jan 5, 2011

New Years Resoution

Good by 2010 and Hello 2011!

2010 was a good year because I experience something new everyday. It does not matter how hard or difficult it may have been. I am more that grateful to have the opportunity to enter into a new year. I know that God has many things prepared for me in 2011 and I promise to make everday my best day.

New Year Resolution

  1. Grow Spiritually
  2. Help Others
  3. Be Respectful
  4. Work-out and get into better shape
  5. Laugh More
  6. Go out with friends
  7. Produce a play
  8. Travel
  9. Have an adventure
  10. Make someone smile
  11. Read books
  12. Eat healthier
  13. Have some "me" time
  14. Meet someone inspirational
  15. Prepare myself for the future

Moving on...

This is my final year in highschool and I am exciting and nervous about leaving highschool. It is important that I am completely focuse because the universitties and colleges are focusing on my marks this year. I have to ensure that my marks are high because I want to get into the programs that I am applying for. I recently made the decision that I want to study Pulblic Relations for my post-seconday education. It was really hard to make this final decision because this is the beginning of my future and I cannot afford to mess this up. The career path that I choose now is what I will most likely continue with for the rest of my life. Applying for university means that there is a possible chance that I will be moving away if I do not get into school that I wanted. Moving away means being resposible and living on my own. Thinking about that is really hard because I have always relied on my parents and family for everything. I feel like everything is happening so fast and I know that I am not ready for this.
The programs that I applied for are only four years. Therefore, in the next four years I will be facing the real world. I will be educated and ready to get a job and start a family. After highschool a big change happens and there is no turning back. However, I am not going to take my life for granted and I am going to accomplish everything on my bucket list. I believe that God has something prepared for me and I can't wait to experiece it.

Moving on can be hard but we have to remember that everyday is a new day and we eventually are going to die. We cannot be on this earth forever. Therfore, we must live everyday to the fullest.

Jan 1, 2011

Madea's Big Happy Family Part 2

I know that God works in mysterious ways. One day Tyler Perry was searching on Youtube and came across a group called: The CraigLewis Band. This group is a combination of two amazing singers by the name of Craig and Lewis. They are gospel singers who are talented and have many videos posted on youtube. Tyler Perry got in contact with them and told them to quit their jobs because they were casted for his play. Honestly I dream for the day that Tyler Perry tells me to quite my job because he is casting me for his play. In Madea's Big Happy family Craig is 24 years old and he plays the character of a disfunctional 17 yearold boy in grade 6. In the play he finds out that "older sister" is his real mother. Craigs character is also the younger brother of Lewis character. Lewis plays a character in his 20's who is messed up in life because of girls and drugs. His current girlfriend encourages him to do some drug dealing so that he could have money to spend on her. In the play Craig and Lewis come together and sings their famous gospel medley "Even Me".

It is more that a blessing that these two friends are able have the experience of a lifetime. They probably never dreamed of having the chance to work on stage with Tyler Perry. I know that if I was given that opportunity, I would never take it for grated. God gave them voices that needs to be heard across the world. I know that this opportunity has opened the doors to many other opportunities for them in the future. The entertainment world is a tough business because people have to change their lifestyle, choices and values. Just so that they could be hired for a project/gig. However, I hope that TheCraigLewis Band can be apart of things that still represent them as who they are and not what others want them to be.

Madea's Big Happy Family

As an artist I have been inspired by the work and accomplishments of Tyler Perry. If I could work with anyone in the world, I would work with him. I believe that he is a talents writer, director, producer. And I love when her performs his famous character: Madea. It takes a talents and authentic man to put himself into the feet of a women to speak a message to the world. One of the reasons why he as inspired me is because he is a christian man who is working in the entertainment industry. It is very hard to be a christian and working in the industry because of the roles and requirements that breaks the values of a christian. However, by the grace of God Tyler Perry has got to the place where he makes his own rules and he has control over his career. My dream is to do what Tyler Perry does. I want to have a successful entertainment company where I can write, direct, produce and act in my own productions. My goal is to open the doors to many Canadian and christian to acting opportunities through my own company.

Unfortunately, Tyler Perry lost his mother who was his biggest inspiration. Therefore, he wrote the play "Madea's Big Happy Family". This play was dedicated to his mother. I was so excited to see a lot of my favorite actors and some new actors who are involved in this play. I could truly see how this play relates to the life of his mother. Personally, I don't think that this is my favorite play but it is in my top 5 of Tyler Perry Plays. This play brought laughter, sadness, joy and redemption in the lives of the audience. I was so inspired by this play that I decided to write a play of my own call: The Christmas Miracle on Kingsway Ave.  I hope that one day I can get to the level of Tyler Perry where I can take my plays on tour.

It would be more than an honour to have the opportunity to work with Tyler Perry in his plays, movies, TV shows and etc. This is a dream that I hope will one day come to reality.

Bad Drivers...

In March 2010 I got my G2 licence. It is rare to find a 17 year old with their licence and a car. Not only am I a blessed driver, I believe that I'm also a safe driver. When I am on the road I get so annoyed when I see other drivers drive recklessly. I honestly do not understand what the rush is because if it was so important for them to get somewhere on time, than they should of left earlier. Many people do not understand the danger of driving recklessly on the roads. Accidents happens everyday around the world and I know that it is not a fun situation to be involved in. One accident can change someone life forever. Whether they are dead, disabled or in a serious condition. It is never fun when having to recover from an accident. If everyone on the road drove safely and consciously. We would then be able to avoid the number of accidents that occurs on the road. In addition, I believe that police officers should be more alert when looking for speeders. However, I know that police driver can drive recklessly when they are not on a mission. I have recently witness a police car cutting off other drivers and their sirens are not on. Which tells me that they are not going to an emergency. I believe that these police drivers should set the example and drive consciously on the road. Just because they enforce the law it doesn't mean that they should do whatever they want to.

My question is this: Can a police officer give a ticket to another police officer?

This Christmas....

This Christmas was a very exciting christmas as my family came to my house for the celebration. My family is very close and we never argue or have rivals. It is important that we stick together and that we support eachother through the hard times and through the good times. This christmas there was a lot of singing, laughter and teamwork. I was happy to see us all together in our right minds and in a heatly condition. There are many people during this holiday who were in an out of a hospital. And there are other who were mourning over a lost in the family. However, I am so blessed to have a family around me and I must thank God for loving kindness. The chrismtas dinner this year was the best that I have ever had in a long time. There were many options to choose from and I was over whelmed by the amount of food prepared. I don't know why food is an exciting topic but it was definetly an organic experience eating my christmas dinner. I have to thank God for blessing me with food in my belly because I know there were alot of people who were starving this year. Sometimes when we are so blessed we forget to thank God because we figure that it is a RIGHT. However, God is being gracious to us and I appreciate everything that he has given me and I hope that I would be able to help and give to someone else.

Christmas is a time to spend with family and to reflect on Jesus Christ and I hope that christmas will get better each year.

Top 10 Christmas Movies:

Christmas is my favorite holiday. I enjoy spending time with family, shopping and learning about the birth of Christ. However, one of my favorite things to do during Christmas is to watch Christmas movies. I get so excited when I can lock myself in my house and watch Christmas movies with my family. There is something about Christmas movies that bring joy and excitement to my life during the holidays. I believe that it is important that families spend quality time together around the holidays. Sometimes we forget how much they mean to us until they are actually gone. My quality time with my family is normally in the evenings when we watch movies together.

My Top 10 Christmas Movie List
  1. Home Alone
  2. The Santa Claus
  3. The Santa Claus 2
  4. Home Alone 2
  5. ELF 
  6. The Preachers Wife
  7. Jingle all the way  
  8. This Christmas
  9. Annie 
  10. Home Alone 3