Jan 5, 2011

Moving on...

This is my final year in highschool and I am exciting and nervous about leaving highschool. It is important that I am completely focuse because the universitties and colleges are focusing on my marks this year. I have to ensure that my marks are high because I want to get into the programs that I am applying for. I recently made the decision that I want to study Pulblic Relations for my post-seconday education. It was really hard to make this final decision because this is the beginning of my future and I cannot afford to mess this up. The career path that I choose now is what I will most likely continue with for the rest of my life. Applying for university means that there is a possible chance that I will be moving away if I do not get into school that I wanted. Moving away means being resposible and living on my own. Thinking about that is really hard because I have always relied on my parents and family for everything. I feel like everything is happening so fast and I know that I am not ready for this.
The programs that I applied for are only four years. Therefore, in the next four years I will be facing the real world. I will be educated and ready to get a job and start a family. After highschool a big change happens and there is no turning back. However, I am not going to take my life for granted and I am going to accomplish everything on my bucket list. I believe that God has something prepared for me and I can't wait to experiece it.

Moving on can be hard but we have to remember that everyday is a new day and we eventually are going to die. We cannot be on this earth forever. Therfore, we must live everyday to the fullest.

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