Jan 1, 2011

Bad Drivers...

In March 2010 I got my G2 licence. It is rare to find a 17 year old with their licence and a car. Not only am I a blessed driver, I believe that I'm also a safe driver. When I am on the road I get so annoyed when I see other drivers drive recklessly. I honestly do not understand what the rush is because if it was so important for them to get somewhere on time, than they should of left earlier. Many people do not understand the danger of driving recklessly on the roads. Accidents happens everyday around the world and I know that it is not a fun situation to be involved in. One accident can change someone life forever. Whether they are dead, disabled or in a serious condition. It is never fun when having to recover from an accident. If everyone on the road drove safely and consciously. We would then be able to avoid the number of accidents that occurs on the road. In addition, I believe that police officers should be more alert when looking for speeders. However, I know that police driver can drive recklessly when they are not on a mission. I have recently witness a police car cutting off other drivers and their sirens are not on. Which tells me that they are not going to an emergency. I believe that these police drivers should set the example and drive consciously on the road. Just because they enforce the law it doesn't mean that they should do whatever they want to.

My question is this: Can a police officer give a ticket to another police officer?

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